Third Tier:
A Mentoring Program for Protestant Reformed Christian Education
First Module Materials: Reflection and Application of Principles
Imparting Wisdom, Knowledge, and Joy - Cory Griess
The Distinctive Features of the Christian School - T. Van Der Kooy
Second Module Materials: First and Second Element
Keep the Way of the Lord - David Engelsma
Third Module Materials: Image of the Students
Authority Discipline Freedom - Waterink
Biblical Psychology - Herman Hanko
The Covenant: God’s Tabernacle with Men - Herman Hoeksema
The Distinctive Features of the Christian School - T. Van Der Kooy
Fourth Module Materials: Image of the Teacher
A Call for Christian School Teachers - Barrett Gritters
Reformed Education - David Engelsma
Fifth Module Materials: Image of the Curriculum
Teaching Christianity - Bryan Smith
Test What You Value - Daniel Vander Ark
The Christian and Culture - Herman Hoeksema
The Purpose of Culture - Jon Huisken
The School System and the Bible: Its Religious Roots - Oppewal
Sixth Module Materials: The Preferred Pedagogy
Dying on the Vine - Rick Minerink
Foundations in Christian Pedagogy - Waterink
Seventh Module Materials: The Social Significance of Students’ Learning
Christian Education and the Antithesis - Russell Dykstra
“Christian” Threats to Christian Education - Bolt
Eighth Module Materials: The Preferred School Environment
Schools that are Supportive Learning Communities - Van Brummelen