Perspectives in Covenant Education

Perspectives in Covenant Education is a publication of the Protestant Reformed Teachers Institute (PRTI), an organization of Protestant Reformed teachers. Currently, it is published four times a year.

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This page contains previous issues of Perspectives in Covenant Education. We trust you will find a treasure trove of information, advice, and perspectives in this magazine.

1987 Spring

Loveland 25th Anniversary - Steve Ezinga

The Necessity of Good Christian Schools - Rev. David Engelsma

Building the House: Raising Discerning Children - Eileen Terpstra

Television and Reading - Brian Dykstra

Fresh Faces in School

Young Writers’ Day to be Held Again - Darrel Huisken

How and What to Read - Rev. Marinus Schipper

Science, Miracles, and God - Peter Adams

1986 Winter

A Plea for Teachers to be … Teachers - Russ Dykstra

Crumbs? or Sawdust? - Cal Kalsbeek

Home Computers - Jack Feenstra

Home Education…No - Thelma Westra

Home Education…Yes - Ruth Nobel

Hull Prot. Ref. School - Ron Koole

MTV - A Favorite in Public School Cafeteria - Brian Dykstra

One Room Schools Make a Comeback - Brian Dykstra

School Band: An Enrichment of the Curriculum - Gail Worries

Teachers Convention - Mr. De Vries

Thanks Be To God - Sherry Koole

1986 Fall

A Call for Tolerance - Brian Dykstra

A Discussion of Sports - Peter Van Der Schaaf

And They Taught Their Children - Esther Kamps

Home Education - Prof. Robert Decker

Home Schooling in Relationship to Home Responsibility - Carol Brands

P.E.: A Necessity or an Excuse? - Ken Vink

P.E.: Essential in the Elementary School - Tim Heemstra

Young Writers’ Day - Jim Huizenga

1986 Spring

1986 Graduates

Does Television Interfere with Covenant Instruction? - Bernie Kamps

Growing Through Spiritual Lessons - Rick Spaman

Interscholastic Athletics…No - Gary Van Der Schaaf

Interscholastic Athletics…Yes - Agatha Lubbers

South Holland Prot. Ref. School - Mary Beth Lubbers

Teaching Children to Stand Alone - Ron Koole

Values in Education - Brian Dykstra

Young Writers’ Workshop - John Kalsbeek

1985 Winter

A Biblical View of the Responsibility of Parents in Education - Mr. Sam Will

Editorials - Agatha Lubbers

Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped Us - Rev. J. Kortering

How Do We Help the Learning Disabled? - Mrs. Jeanette Van Egdom

Preventative Discipline - Cal Kalsbeek

Teaching in Northern Ireland - Deane Wassink

William McGuffey and John Dewey: Two Very Different Educators - Dr. Paul A. Kienel

1985 Fall

A Special Commencement Address - Mary Beth Lubbers

Christian Practices Barred in Allendale Public Schools - Brian Dykstra

Developing Christian Character in the Home and School - Rev. Jason Kortering

Encouraging Reading in the Home - Sue Looyenga

Special Focus: Heritage Christian School - Gerald Kuiper

The Moral Environment of the Christian School - Rev. Ron Cammenga

Where the 9th Grade? - John Buiter and Cal Kalsbeek

1985 Spring

Classroom Devotions Make a Difference - John Kalsbeek

Editorials - Agatha Lubbers

Excellence in Education - Rev. David Engelsma

Objectives for Teaching Geography - Federation Workshop

The Place of Doctrine in the Christian School - Herman Hoeksema

Why Can’t Johney Spel or Read? - Doug Boone

1984 Winter

Editorials - Agatha Lubbers

Instruction Concerning Cults and Non-Christian Religions in the Christian School Classroom - Agatha Lubbers

Parents and Teachers: Allies or Adversaries - Rev. Michael De Vries

Preserving Our Heritage - Rev. C. Hanko

The Necessity for Music Education in the Christian Schools - Linda Pastoor

1984 Fall

Caring for Our World - Doug De Boer

Christian Primary School Curriculum and its Biblical Basis - Dr. Bruce McLennan

Editorials - Agatha Lubbers

Equipping Our Children - Rev. Meindert Joostens

My Philosophy of Education - Deane Wassink

Protestant Reformed Teacher Goes to Ulster - Jack Lenting

1983 Fall

An Open Letter Concerning Reformed Higher Education - David Engelsma, James Lanting, Lamm Lubbers

Background Briefs - Agatha Lubbers

Covenant - Sue Looyenga

For the Slow Learner - Christian Education Journal

IRS Must Impose Racial Rules on Christian Schools - Agatha Lubbers

Slow Learner - Sue Looyenga

Special Education - The Board for the Society of the PRSE

Special Education for the Gifted - Janice Westra

Special Education, Protestant Reformed, Why? - Gertrude Hoeksema

Teaching Children to Read: The Parent’s Role - Elaine Faber

1983 Summer

Background Briefs - Agatha Lubbers

Book Reviews - Various Authors

Educational Pluralism: A Threat or an Ally - Agatha Lubbrs

Promotion and Retention - Lamm Lubbers

Rearing Covenant Children for Life in the End-Time - Rev. David Engelsma

Sing Ye Praise With Understanding - Candace Hoeksema

1983 Winter

Background Briefs - Agatha Lubbers

Book Reviews - Gary Vander Schaaf

Parents are Accountable Too - Joanne De Jong

Social Science and the Faith - C.F. Coleborn

Socio-Economic Environment of the Last Days - Rick Noorman

Teaching the Children Jehovah’s Strength - Rev. Carl Haak

The Agony and Ecstasy of My Teaching - Nelle Vander Ark

The Whole Creation: A Classroom - John Kalsbeek

1982 Fall

Background Briefs - Agatha Lubbers

Book Reviews - Peter & Gary Vander Schaaf

Teaching Our Children Scriptural Values - Rev. John Heys

1982 Spring

Art Education in the Christian School - Connie De Vries

Background Briefs - Agatha Lubbers

Early Years’ Training in the Home - Marilyn Decker

Response to “Reading With the Heart” - Bernie Kamps

Reply to Articles of Response Concerning Fantasy Literature - Gary Vander Schaaf

Teaching Our Children to Pray - Rev. C. Hanko

What Place Should Fantasy Literature Hold in the Heart and Mind of the Child of God - Barb Dykstra

Witnessing the Gospel of Parental Christian Schools - Harold Tilma

1982 Winter

Book Reviews - Gary Vander Schaaf

Patriotism, The Reformed Christian and Our Christian Pilgrimage - Agatha Lubbers

Reading with the Heart…The Fantasy Literature of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien - Gary Vander Schaaf

Teaching Young Children Wise Choices in Literature - Gertrude Hoeksema

Twenty-Seventh Annual PR Teachers’ Convention - James Huizenga

1981 Spring

A Position of the Teaching of Formal Grammar in Grades 4-6 - Mr. James Huizenga

Gratefully Accepting the Children God Gives - Miss Jessie Dykstra

Practice of Counseling: Lecture II - Prof. H. Hanko

Strategy for Survival and the Standard Required - Rev. J. Kortering

The Danger of Government Funding of the Christian School - David Engelsma

1981 Fall

Language an Brain Lateralization - David Harbach

Strategy for Survival Geographically for Protestant Reformed Schools - Beverly Hoekstra

The Association for Christian Education in Ireland - Thomas Reid

Vocabulary Growth - Winifred Koole

Wordless Picture Books - Marilyn Decker

1980 Spring

An Examination of Self Expression - Beverly Hoekstra

Christian Education and the Command of God - David Silversides

Readiness and Kindergarten - Mary Beth Lubbers

The Decline of Nations - Fred Hanko

The Teaching of Science from a Christian Viewpoint - Marjorie Martin

The Threat of AACS Ideology to Reformed Education - Agatha Lubbers

Theistic Evolution and the Day-Age Theory - Richard Niessen

War and Peace in the Light of Scripture - Harry Langerak

Why a Christian Preschool? - Joan Huisken

1980 Fall

Featuring Our Schools

John Calvin on the Question of Natural Light

Principles in Counseling (Lecture 1) - Prof. H. Hanko

Protestant Reformed Education: Tradition or Conviction - Gerald Kuiper

Teaching the Idea of the “Last Time” in Contemporary History - Peter Vander Schaaf

1979 Fall

Luther’s Views on Education - Ron Hanko

Notebooks vs. Workbooks - Dr. Dayton Hobbs

Teaching Children with Learning Problems - Jane Petersen

Teaching Responsibility - Mr. I. Quenga

The Biblical Concept of Discipline - Prof. Decker

The Teaching of Science from a Christian Viewpoint - Marjorie Martin

1979 Spring

Career Education: A Legitimate Emphasis (3) - Don Doezema

How Do I Get From Here to There? And, Why Should I Worry About It? - Jon Huisken

Language is Getting More Worser - Fred Hanko

Recent Scientific Developments in the Light of Scripture - Gary Vander Schaaf

Sanctified Attention of Covenant Youth - Rev. G. Lubbers

Seedtime…and Harvest - Miss H. J. Kuiper

Spurring on to Greater Motivation - Rev. C. Hanko

Television and Adolescents - Henry J. Barton

The Cure for Lack of Motivation - Rev. C. Hanko

Two Opposite Paths? - Mrs. Hoeksema

1978 Fall

Career Education: A Legitimate Emphasis (2) - Don Doezema

Changes in Mathematics Curriculum - John Buiter

Christian Business Education - Rick Noorman

Impressions and Thoughts on Visiting Protestant Reformed Schools - Majorie Martin

Report on the Bible Curriculum - Gertrude Hoeksema

The Crisis in Music - Gerald Kuiper

The Lack of Motivation - Rev. C. Hanko

1978 March

Basic Christian Education - Agatha Lubbers

Career Education: A Legitimate Emphasis - Don Doezema

Science: A Basic in the Christian School Curriculum - Dr. Roderick Kreuzer

Slothfulness - Winifred Koole

The Multi-Grade Classroom - John Kalsbeek Jr.

The Nature of God’s Revelation in History - Cal Kalsbeek

The School’s Calling to Teach the Children the Way of the Lord - Rev. David Engelsma

1977 September

A New Approach: Progress or Confusion - Lois Kregel

Academic Awards: Are They Godly Rewards - Carol Brands

Orderliness - Winifred Koole

Philosophy of History - Fred Hanko

The Development of Sin in the Prediluvian World - Peter Vander Schaaf

To Test or Not to Test - Randy Groenendyk

1977 March

Censorship in Literature - Agatha Lubbers

Evolution: Its Nature and Influence - Dr. Roderick Kreuzer

Physical Education Must Educate - John Zandstra

Scripture in the Schools - Rev. David Engelsma

1976 September

Christian Education - Rev. H. Hoeksema

Creativity and the Reformed Christian Teacher - Agatha Lubbers

Editorial Comments - Agatha Lubbers

The Covenant Spheres of Instruction - Rev. Jason Kortering

The Independent Thinker - The End-Product of Christian Education - Jon Huisken

The Need for Curriculum Development in Music - Gerald Kuiper

1976 March

Editorial Comments - Agatha Lubbers

Parental Education - Dr. Dwight Monsma

What Geography for the Covenant Child Is - Beverly B. Hoekstra

The Intermediate Teacher and Astronomy - Roland Peterson

Potpourri What Do We Gotta Learn This For? - Peter Vander Schaaf

Slow Learner - Sue Looyenga

The Bicentennial Year - Fred Hanko 

1975 October

Editorial: The Protestant Reformed Teachers Institute Sponsers and Published Perspectives in Covenant Education - Agatha Lubbers

The Protestant Reformed Teacher - Rev. David Engelsma

Mini-Course '75 and.... - Calvin Kalsbeek

Potpourri - Roland Peterson

Reading to Children - Darrel Huisken

The Theological Basis For Teaching Writing - James Huizenga